Find Terncy account information for other platform integration
The Terncy smart home platform can be integrated with other home automation platforms like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Ali Genie, Rokid, Xiaodu Speaker. User have to use their Terncy account (email and password) to authorize other platforms to access their Terncy devices.
As an example, the authorization page for Google is:

Some users may not know or remeber their account information, especially if they created their Terncy account via mobile, wechat, QQ etc.
Please follow the guide below to find your account information.
- Start App or wechat miniprogram, switch to “My” tab, and click “Third party account association” item.
- If the associated email is empty, please tap the “Associate” button to the right to set email.
- Your email will be shown as below after association is completed.
- You may still not aware of your password. Please go back to “My” page, and tap the “Change password” option.
- Tap “Forgot password?” to reset your password.
- You will get a verification code via associated mobile or email.
- Input the verification code that you received and enter a new password, tap “Submit” to proceed
Now that you have your Terncy account information, you can authorize your preferred home automation platforms to control your Terncy devices.