How to solve the problem that Terncy Home Center cannot connect to the cloud
Terncy Home Center has been connected to the network cable and powered on, but the indicator of Terncy Home Center is always flashing yellow, and the gateway status on Terncy APP is displayed as offline. If you encounter this problem, you can use the following methods to restore the gateway status.
Install the latest version of the Terncy app
Search for “Terncy” in the App Store or scan the QR code to download the Terncy APP (Newer than 3.0.4)

Launch the Terncy APP or log in via Terncy System Local Mode
Method of operation
- Connect the mobile phone and the Terncy Home Center to the same WI-FI network
- On iOS devices, mare sure the Local Network Access permission is granted to Terncy app in General - Privacy - Local Network setting
- After launching the APP,wait for about 1 minutes to observe the indicator status of the gateway
- If the indicator status is still flashing yellow, you can log in via Terncy System Local Mode
- If the indicator status changes to steady green, then the gateway should become online

Upgrade Terncy Home Cenetr to the latest version
Method of operation
- Enter the firmware upgrade page, and upgrade the Terncy Home Center to version v3.0.64 or above.